The Dragon Age
Continua Work Online Course
The Course provides an introduction to the Continua Work. Course participants will be introduced to the techniques and ideas of a unique form of embodied spirituality known as the Continua Work. The Course will cover techniques of working with Allies, divination and healing, and working with the human ancestral matrix.
The Course is focused on the following:
the relationship of the human psyche to the Allies,
the evolution of the human collective psyche, and
10 techniques for cultivating your personal relationship with the Allies.
New advanced material will be presented, including the topics of:
the incarnation of nonphysical allies into human individuals and cultures,
the historical cycles of ally incarnation into the cultural psyches,
the next phase of our planet’s historical cycle (the Dragon Age), and
a transpersonal framework for your work as a healer or diviner or teacher.
Seminar 1
In Seminar 1, Alliance, we will learn how to use movement practices in order to connect to fields of evolutionary intelligence. We will familiarize ourselves with the basic map describing how these archetypal powers interact and get a feel for how these powers surround and exist within us. We will learn a basic meditation practice that enables us to experience the different worlds of these sacred powers and how to make initial contact with the powers themselves.
Participants will achieve basic mastery of the following techniques:
Ally Movement Technique. With this technique, we practice basic patterns of movement in order to awaken in our bodies the evolutionary powers of our ancestral past.
Ally Attunement Technique. With this technique, we will learn how to meditatively attune to an experience of the Allies of the ancient energy worlds of our evolutionary history, as well as how to navigate these subtle worlds.
Seminar 2
In Seminar 2, Connection, we build on the the skills and cosmological knowledge of the Alliance Work of Day 2. We will learn how we are situated within the larger domain of subtle ecologies, and how we can connect to ancestors and allies of these ancient energy worlds. We will learn how to organize and maintain an altar and will learn a technique of divination, using the Continua Deck. Using these techniques, we will develop an awareness of these ancient energy worlds, the energetic reality of the collective human psyche, and our relationship to these worlds of energy.
Participants will achieve basic mastery of the following techniques:
Altar Organization Technique. With this technique, we will learn a simple way of organizing elements on an altar, how to maintain an altar, and how an altar can be used as a way of connecting to the allies.
Ally Divination Technique. We will refine our ability to meditatively attune to the Ally intelligences. We will also familiarize ourselves with the Continua Deck and how the Deck can function as an archetypal map of the Continua Work. Then, we will learn a basic technique of card-reading divination, using our attunement skills, our knowledge of the archetypal map, and the Continua Deck.
Seminar 3
Collective Work
In Seminar 3, Collective Work, we will examine the current crisis in our civilization and how the Continua Work prepares us to adapt to and help resolve this planetary crisis. We will learn how to heal and empower the collective human psyche, using the skills and knowledge of the Level 4 work with the energetic reality of the Allies and human collective psyche.
Participants will achieve basic mastery of the following techniques:
Cultural Healing Technique. With this technique, we will learn how to make contact with the field of energy that is the human collective psyche, and how to unite our intentions as a group and focus this intention to bring into the collective human psyche the healing of the sacred-Earth Allies.
Collective Awakening Technique. With this technique, we will empower ourselves with the sacred-Earth energy of the Allies and direct our group intention to awakening within the human species the energy of these Allies, in order to assist with the adaptation of the human species to the current planetary crisis.
Day 1: Introduction to collective psyches
Day 2: The Ancestral
Day 3: Incarnation of Allies into Cultural fields
Day 4: Political fields and religious fields
Day 5: Technique for collective healing
Day 6: Technique for collective awakening
Day 7: Conclusion of Seminar
Seminar 4
In this seminar we will be doing an in-depth study of the organization and coevolution of the individual psyche. We will be looking at how the supercore pattern manifests in individuals, and how the individual psyche is structured around our co-evolution with our Allies.
Day 1: Introduction to the organization and coevolution of the psyche
Day 2: Choice, determination, and participation in the coevolution of individual psyches
Day 3: Incarnation of Allies into the Individual Psyche
Day 4: Romantic, sexual, and consort relationships
Day 5: Technique for working with pathology and constriction in the individual psyche
Day 6: Technique for empowering one’s transpersonal medicine
Day 7: Conclusion of Seminar
Seminar 5
Healing and Empowerment
In Seminar 5, Healing and Empowerment, participants are introduced to the core technique of the Continua Work: the Ally Awakening. We will learn a composite technique that employs elements of abdominal massage, spinal tissue holds, and sound-toning. This technique allows the practitioner to not only heal, but empower the client. We build on the hands-on skills that we learn in Day 1 Healing and the ally-scouting skills that we learn in Continua Work Alliance Level 2, and use these skills in conjunction with very sensitive and precise bodywork techniques in order to activate the energies of the client’s sacred-Earth Allies. Upon completion of Continua Empowerment Level 3, the participant in the course will be able to work with this basic technique to clear out toxic energies and awaken the ancestral birthright powers.
Participants will achieve basic mastery of the following techniques:
Bodywork Technique. With this technique, we learn the basic hands-on bodywork technique for clearing out energy blocks from the organ-systems of the client, as well as for working with the client’s spine and head, in order to bring the client into a deep state of relaxation so that the innate intelligences of the client can participate more deeply in any healing processes.
Ally Awakening Technique. With this technique, we activate in the client the sacred Earthly streams of power and intelligence that create and sustain our human lives, so that they can be empowered with vitality, freedom, and instinctual knowing.
In the Continua Work, we are seeking to empower and heal ourselves and the larger human species of which we are part. In a small but important way, we also seek to heal the Earth. In order to do this, we tap into the energies of the Earth. The energies of the Earth are a specific form of the larger energies of the universe, and in the Continua Work, we consider the energies of the Earth to be exceptionally sacred. We call the energies of the Earth the terrestrial energies. However, we are not looking at simply an energetic connection. We are also looking to connect with the intelligence of the Earth. In particular, we are looking in a very precise way at the most advanced forms of intelligence of the Earth. Within the Earth system, we find these in the collective intelligence of species. These collective intelligences can be thought of as nonphysical fields of energy or consciousness. We call these intelligences species-minds. We are also interested in the intelligences of the energetic domains that sustain these species-minds. These domains are reflected in what we often think of as the elements of nature. These domains are sometimes called the “elements” or are called the “subtle ecologies.” In the Continua Work, we refer to them simply as the ecologies.
We can experience the intelligences of species-minds and ecologies in a personal way. When we experience these intelligences in a personal way, we experience them as allies. These allies support us in the empowerment and healing of ourselves, our species, and the Earth. With the help of the energies and the intelligences of our allies we are able to accomplish much more we would accomplish if we were working merely with our own energy and intelligence. In the Continua Work, our healing practice is supported by a set of ideas and by work with energies. However, this is not just an abstract set of ideas, and it is not just energy work. We also work with the body. We work with the body as a primary and indispensable site of healing. The body is the most precious gift from the Earth and our direct gateway to the Earth and from the Earth. The Continua Work works with the body, the energies, and with intelligences. These are our three resources.
The first resource is the body. We work with the body using various bodywork techniques to heal a client. There is an indispensable physical component to the healing bodywork, in which we are in physical contact with the tissue of the client’s body. However, we are also in contact with a form of life-force energy that is within the body. We call this form of energy vitality. We clear out toxicity and we awaken a more empowered vitality, which in turn generates a healthier mind. We call this work envitalization.
The second resource is energy. When this energy is within the body, we think of it as vitality, but when it is out of the body, we think of it as a flowing energy that moves through us. This energy is behind all the work that we do with vitality when we do bodywork. We keep our energy clean and strong, like a clear and powerfully flowing river. We keep our energy clean and strong through our connection to our terrestrial allies. We make this connection through various movement and visualization techniques that are derived from shamanic practices. We connect to our allies in order to nourish our bodies with the energies of our allies. We maintain this connection during healing treatments and in our daily lives. We call this work embodiment.
The third resource is intelligence, specifically the intelligences of the species-minds and the ecologies. In the same way that our personal vitality is a particularly sacred form of the energy flowing through us, so is the energy flowing through us shaped by the species and ecological intelligences out of which we originate. In the same way that we can think of the vitality of the body as an energy, we can also think of intelligences as energy. We think of these intelligences as a form of transpersonal energy. In the Continua Work, we consciously attune to the intelligences of the great ally powers, so that our empowerment and healing work is informed and guided by them. We attune by using visualization practices and a soft intent to open to the intelligences of the allies. When our work is guided by these intelligences, it is much more effective. We call this practice of attunement connection.