The last segment of the interview with FC Brandt, discussing the meaning and metaphysics of incarnation and participation, as well as the approach of the Con...
We talk in this interview about humanity's migration through different worlds, our relationship with ancestral allies, and the basics of the Continua Method.
An interview with Rob Rubin of Mysterium Philippines, on his show, Mysterium After Dark. We talk about the metaphysical evolutionary significance of the coronavirus, and many other things.
Another interview with Rob Rubin of Mysterium Philippines, in 2019, during the Continua Work Mastery Course in Manila. We talk about the Method, shamanic practice, and some other good stuff.
Introduction of the Continua Work from Alex Brezinski on Vimeo.
What is the Continua Work? Alex introduces the method.Humanity's Migration Through Worlds from Alex Brezinski on Vimeo.
Alex and Nick talk about the evolution of human consciousness and worldviews in cultures.Humanity's Coevolution with Allies from Alex Brezinski on Vimeo.
Alex presents some of the nonphysical entities that have been involved in the formation of human cultures, and how these entities became allies.Nonphysical Entities and the Collective Human Psyche from Alex Brezinski on Vimeo.
Alex in discussion with Dr. Christopher Bache on the possible influence of nonphysical entities on the human psyche, at the individual and collective levels.