Who are we, really?
We live in a universe that is a vast cosmic ecology, overflowing with incredible intelligence. We float in the eddies of unfathomably numinous powers. And yet we are the very extensions of these sacred powers, dazzlingly brilliant sparks, living out lives filled with very deep potentials. Potentials for encounter, for joy and compassion, for courage and grace, and for wisdom. Potentials that we realize through living a life in this world.
This world is the cutting edge of an unfolding adventure and this life is an intensely significant participation in that adventure.
In this participation, each of us is never alone. At the depths of our beings, we are suffused with the power and intelligence of sacred ally powers. These allies are gathered together in ancient collectives that emerge out of our cultural and biological and cosmic evolution. These are the Allies
The human species, in this critical time, depends on a new depth of relationship with the ally continua. The stakes are high indeed—for each of us personally, and for the larger societies in which we are members. For purposes of accessing a deeper relationship with the ally continua, the Continua Work is offered.
What is the Continua Work?
The Continua Work is a way of approaching the experience of being alive in a cosmos that is itself intensely alive. It is a way of relating to our souls, to the friends and strangers of our daily lives, and to the potencies of the spirit worlds. The Continua Work
presents a model for understanding the human psyche,
offers a map for navigating the larger spiritual ecology in which we exist,
allows for a reawakening and reclaiming of a sense of the sacred,
anchors our vocational work in a deeper seat of meaning and brings purpose to what we do,
cultivates an understanding of the energies that are essential to maintaining a healthy body,
suggests the elements of soul that energize relationships with loved ones,
liberates us from exhausted belief systems and into a more creative and spacious relationship to the world, and
brings us into relationship with the actual potencies at the heart of spiritual traditions.
Who is the Continua Work for?
The Continua Work is for people who have an interest in the sacred domains of human experience and feel drawn to embarking upon or deepening into an exploration of the intelligences and energies of these domains. The Continua Work is particularly suited for a person who
feels that it is time to “really breathe in” more of the greater life energies of the universe,
feels a sense of the sacred and needs to more embody that sense in their daily life,
feels a need to push past cultish group-think or a lack of discernment that might be being encountered in spiritual ideas, practices, or traditions.